New Drawings, Designs and an Essay
by Mike Mills
This here full color zine is published by the great company Nieves.
As fans of the work of Mike Mills,
we here at FFG very much enjoyed this zine.
The zine begins with designs & drawings. The images are subtle, and at first look - very simple in nature.
But knowing the work of Mr. Mills, you know that there is more behind theses illustrations.
They do work on their own, but as a group and in the sequence shown - you know that there is more at work here.

The essay which follows the illustrations and ends the zine brings it all together. A second closer look at the images is needed & so much more is now seen.
You are brought within a period of time in Mike Mills life. Which is a great thing to do as well as a difficult thing to do within the pages of a zine. We decided not to go into detail of the essay in this review because it is more of an experience, and we believe the experience that is meant to be this zine, if you discover the details & meanings for yourself...

This zine is very much recommended.
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