Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
FFG - I/P #1

We have recieved a few positive contacts over our #1DVD review, so we thought we would throw out a review type informative post.
If you have any type of thing that would would like to possibly get reviewed: such as; a video you made on VHS or DVD disk, a CD or tape, a toy, a book or zine… well, you understand...
anything like this...
What you can do is send us an electronic email and we can go over details. Thanks.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

We here at FFG are saddened to hear about Chris Penn.
We are huge fans.
If you have not seen 'The Wild Life'
- go out and rent the video - classic.
Other favorite Chris Penn moments:
- His interview on the Resevoir Dogs DVD where he tells a story about hanging out with Lawrence Tierney.
- As the bartender in the Jay-Z video "Can I Get A..."
-At Close Range
-of course 'Footloose' - c'mon!
(that's just the tip of the iceberg)
Feel free to email us any Chris Penn thoughts/Stories.

We here at FFG are saddened to hear about Chris Penn.
We are huge fans.
If you have not seen 'The Wild Life'
- go out and rent the video - classic.
Other favorite Chris Penn moments:
- His interview on the Resevoir Dogs DVD where he tells a story about hanging out with Lawrence Tierney.
- As the bartender in the Jay-Z video "Can I Get A..."
-At Close Range
-of course 'Footloose' - c'mon!
(that's just the tip of the iceberg)
Feel free to email us any Chris Penn thoughts/Stories.
Monday, January 23, 2006

We were just emailed by a friend to say that we were mentioned in an area on the skullbrain website. Thank you very much skull brain. We are fans of Japanese Monster Toys.
Pictured above is the Skull Brain toy exclusive figure.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
FFG INTERVIEW #2 - Raymond Castile
-Owner & Operator of The Gallery of Monster Toys website-

1) I read the your favorite toy is a version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon doll. I heard rumor that a remake of CBL is going to go into production Summer ‘07. Any insight? Thoughts on best actor to play Creature? New toy possibilities could be nice..
Yes, a remake of the Creature from the Black Lagoon is in the works. There have been many attempts to remake the Creature over the last 25 years, but all have died in development. I will believe this new version when I see it. I hope the Creature is played by an actor in a costume instead of a CGI cartoon. I don't really care who plays him, so long as the design and concept is still recognizable as the classic Gill-man.

2) King Kong toys VS. Yeti toys VS. Big Foot Toys...Thoughts?
Toy makers never get Kong right. I have never seen an American toy that captured the likeness of the 1933 Kong. Most Kong toys just look like a generic gorilla. As for Bigfoot and Yeti, there are so few toys of these beasts that it is hard to compare. My favorites would be the Marx battery operated Yeti from the 1960s, the Tomland Famous Monsters of Filmland Yeti action figure from 1978 and the Kenner Bionic Bigfoot action figure from 1977. I really wish there were more vintage Bigfoot toys. A 1970s rubber jiggler would have been nice, but nothing like that was produced. Strange, considering how popular Bigfoot was in the 70s.

3) In your opinion, why have there been no new monsters in the movies (say in the last 5 years) that can stand up next to the classics? Do you have hopes there will be new monsters? And also, why do most new monster toys look horrible? New King Kong figures, I did not enjoy. Are there new monster toys worth searching for and if so – please tell us.
Why are there no new classic monsters? Maybe we are not living in classic times. Maybe people are no longer classic. They do not dream classic dreams. They do not have classic visions, values, aspirations, so they do not make classic movies. To have classic stories, you must first have classic storytellers. The classic monsters were spawed by classic 19th Century literature, reinvented for the new medium of cinema by film-makers who lived through two World Wars. It was not the same world we are living in today.

Once in awhile, a classic horror movie still manages to get made. I like the Hannibal Lecter films with Anthony Hopkins. I think Hannibal is the closest thing to a "new classic monster." I also like The Blair Witch Project, The Sixth Sense, Signs, Ringu, Audition, Buba Ho-Tep, Rob Zombie's two "Corpses" films and most of Tim Burton's films.

Are there new monster toys worth searching for? I liked the cheesy monster figurines sold last Halloween at Dollar Tree stores. They were just little unarticulated plastic statues, but they were cute and unexpected. On the other end of the quality spectrum, there are the Sideshow 12-inch dolls. Those are pricey, but the quality is certainly there. Classic TV Toys makes a line of Mego-inspired "Mad Monsters" that includes a Grim Reaper, Ghost, Witch and Devil. I have those figures sitting around my computer.

4) On the topic of Mr. Zombie, what are your thoughts on his first two films and the style in which he works? Will he help revive the classic feel of horror films?

On Rob Zombie, he is trying to revive the spirit of 70s grindhouse/drive-in exploitation cinema. I think it is an uphill battle, but he is fighting the good fight. Today's entertainment is very corporate, conformist and designed for mass consumption. Grindhouse cinema was aimed at a narrow market. It was cheap to make, so it didn't have to break any box office records. Today, every movie has to make $300 million and appeal to every man, woman and child around the globe. So all we get are McMovies with no individuality or rough edges.

5) Do you have any stories that may relate to monster toys & you that took place when you were in or around fifth grade?

I used to stage ridiculously elaborate games with my monster toys. I would dig a big hole in the garden and turn it into the Black Lagoon. The Adventure People would be the "humans," searching the Amazon. I had lots of Adventure People figures and vehicles. My AHI Creature Bend Ems rubber figure would swim in the "lagoon," tipping over their boats, coming ashore to attack, etc. Sometimes I'd throw in an Avon brontosaurus shampoo container so I could add the Loch Ness Monster to the Adventure Peoples' woes. I would turn the backyard into Skull Island with my Mego plush King Kong, the big Aurora T-Rex, other Aurora dinos, the Shogun Godzilla and Rodan, and that reliable Avon bronto. We had a wooden privacy fence which could double as the Skull Island Wall and the Empire State Building

The Gallery of Monster Toys
-Owner & Operator of The Gallery of Monster Toys website-

1) I read the your favorite toy is a version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon doll. I heard rumor that a remake of CBL is going to go into production Summer ‘07. Any insight? Thoughts on best actor to play Creature? New toy possibilities could be nice..
Yes, a remake of the Creature from the Black Lagoon is in the works. There have been many attempts to remake the Creature over the last 25 years, but all have died in development. I will believe this new version when I see it. I hope the Creature is played by an actor in a costume instead of a CGI cartoon. I don't really care who plays him, so long as the design and concept is still recognizable as the classic Gill-man.

2) King Kong toys VS. Yeti toys VS. Big Foot Toys...Thoughts?
Toy makers never get Kong right. I have never seen an American toy that captured the likeness of the 1933 Kong. Most Kong toys just look like a generic gorilla. As for Bigfoot and Yeti, there are so few toys of these beasts that it is hard to compare. My favorites would be the Marx battery operated Yeti from the 1960s, the Tomland Famous Monsters of Filmland Yeti action figure from 1978 and the Kenner Bionic Bigfoot action figure from 1977. I really wish there were more vintage Bigfoot toys. A 1970s rubber jiggler would have been nice, but nothing like that was produced. Strange, considering how popular Bigfoot was in the 70s.

3) In your opinion, why have there been no new monsters in the movies (say in the last 5 years) that can stand up next to the classics? Do you have hopes there will be new monsters? And also, why do most new monster toys look horrible? New King Kong figures, I did not enjoy. Are there new monster toys worth searching for and if so – please tell us.
Why are there no new classic monsters? Maybe we are not living in classic times. Maybe people are no longer classic. They do not dream classic dreams. They do not have classic visions, values, aspirations, so they do not make classic movies. To have classic stories, you must first have classic storytellers. The classic monsters were spawed by classic 19th Century literature, reinvented for the new medium of cinema by film-makers who lived through two World Wars. It was not the same world we are living in today.

Once in awhile, a classic horror movie still manages to get made. I like the Hannibal Lecter films with Anthony Hopkins. I think Hannibal is the closest thing to a "new classic monster." I also like The Blair Witch Project, The Sixth Sense, Signs, Ringu, Audition, Buba Ho-Tep, Rob Zombie's two "Corpses" films and most of Tim Burton's films.

Are there new monster toys worth searching for? I liked the cheesy monster figurines sold last Halloween at Dollar Tree stores. They were just little unarticulated plastic statues, but they were cute and unexpected. On the other end of the quality spectrum, there are the Sideshow 12-inch dolls. Those are pricey, but the quality is certainly there. Classic TV Toys makes a line of Mego-inspired "Mad Monsters" that includes a Grim Reaper, Ghost, Witch and Devil. I have those figures sitting around my computer.

4) On the topic of Mr. Zombie, what are your thoughts on his first two films and the style in which he works? Will he help revive the classic feel of horror films?

On Rob Zombie, he is trying to revive the spirit of 70s grindhouse/drive-in exploitation cinema. I think it is an uphill battle, but he is fighting the good fight. Today's entertainment is very corporate, conformist and designed for mass consumption. Grindhouse cinema was aimed at a narrow market. It was cheap to make, so it didn't have to break any box office records. Today, every movie has to make $300 million and appeal to every man, woman and child around the globe. So all we get are McMovies with no individuality or rough edges.

5) Do you have any stories that may relate to monster toys & you that took place when you were in or around fifth grade?

I used to stage ridiculously elaborate games with my monster toys. I would dig a big hole in the garden and turn it into the Black Lagoon. The Adventure People would be the "humans," searching the Amazon. I had lots of Adventure People figures and vehicles. My AHI Creature Bend Ems rubber figure would swim in the "lagoon," tipping over their boats, coming ashore to attack, etc. Sometimes I'd throw in an Avon brontosaurus shampoo container so I could add the Loch Ness Monster to the Adventure Peoples' woes. I would turn the backyard into Skull Island with my Mego plush King Kong, the big Aurora T-Rex, other Aurora dinos, the Shogun Godzilla and Rodan, and that reliable Avon bronto. We had a wooden privacy fence which could double as the Skull Island Wall and the Empire State Building

The Gallery of Monster Toys

#1) What Horror film do you feel deserves more credit than it has gotten so far to date & why (if possible)?
I know it's not really a Horror film, but Eraserhead scres the living crap out of me. The cinematography is masterful and nice to look at, but sweet dear lord is it a messed up flick. If you haven't seen it already, force yourslef through it, it will stick with you.

#2) Tell us about your resin sculpture, The MIDWESTERN. I see him as a classic character that needs to live on in sculpture and possibly in film. Who/What inspired him? Will We be seeing more of him in the future
Well, he's sort of the embodiment of my painted characters in the third dimension. I've always collected toys and wanted to produce something that was toylike of my own. I hadn't really sculpted since I was in high school, so I gave it a shot, then I figured out the molding and casting process, and BAM there it is. I made a total of 42 of them, 30 pink, 12 albino, So I think that edition is done. There are plans in the future for an East coast, a west coast and a dirty south figure.

#3) What is your most favorite piece of work that you have done up until now? Tell us why it is so close to you.
There is a piece I did recently that I called "Kobacha". My work is my way of sorting out my life in image form, sort of a visual therapy. The image might not make sense to anyone else, but people usually
inject their own meaning into the peice anyway, to make it profound for themselves. So back to Kobacha, it was a very theraputic piece that just happend to make a really nice image. I can't give away it's secrets though, maybe you can figure it out?

#4) We have read that you recently have lost up to 95lbs. Can you please give an inspirational statement to those wanting to get in better shape & feel good. Any favorite new recipes?
Oh yeah, that, ha ha. Well, there is no magic answer to getting in shape and becoming healthy, diet and exercise is the key. When I say DIET I don't mean I went on some orgainzed diet or plan, I just decided to change my entire way of eating for good. I cut out refined sugar, coffee, alcohol (not that I really drank in the first place) white flour, dairy, soda, MEAT you know all the good stuff. I replaced all that with a vegetarian diet with a lot of green stuff (viva la broccoli!)and soy products. But the key was the aerobic exercise in the form of jogging. I couldn't run 2 blocks when I started 10 months ago, but I went 6 miles a couple of days ago. Aside fromjust being thinner, I rarley get sick, I sleep like a champ and I can keep up with my 5 year old son. I just learned how to make Falafel, which isn't the healthiest, but man is it good.

#5) In your website portfolio, I saw Painting #2. I was drawn to this piece I am a big fan of Adidas shell toe sneakers as well as apes ? and albino apes are all the more better. If you could, please play the role of College Art History Professor & go through this painting pointing out the meaning behind the subject matter as well as the hidden symbolism.
It's not as deep as it looks really. When I was in high school, I would spend 2 hours a day at an advanced placement school for art. The other students at this school sort of cultivated my love for hip-hop music (Run DMC, Public enemy, etc). The kids back at my regular school would blaze GNR all day long and I hated that shit with a passion. So this peice is about just that, my dislike of GNR and my love of hip hop music. The peice is called "Public enemy #1" by the way, and there are plans to do a 3-d version of the gorilla with real hair this year.
#6) Can you tell us more about the 3D version of this Gorilla?
I'm making the sculpture for display at the San Diego comic con, I'll be at Toy Tokyo's booth with that and some other new stuff, including my book and plush. There aren't any plans to mass produce it yet, it'll be more of a showpiece. It'll be about 12" tall.
#7) Do you remember the 1st ?R? rated movie you saw & how old you were when you saw it? Did it affect you in a good or bad way?

Alien, I saw it when it first came out on VHS so I must have been like 6. It gave me nightmares until I was 13.

#1) What Horror film do you feel deserves more credit than it has gotten so far to date & why (if possible)?
I know it's not really a Horror film, but Eraserhead scres the living crap out of me. The cinematography is masterful and nice to look at, but sweet dear lord is it a messed up flick. If you haven't seen it already, force yourslef through it, it will stick with you.

#2) Tell us about your resin sculpture, The MIDWESTERN. I see him as a classic character that needs to live on in sculpture and possibly in film. Who/What inspired him? Will We be seeing more of him in the future
Well, he's sort of the embodiment of my painted characters in the third dimension. I've always collected toys and wanted to produce something that was toylike of my own. I hadn't really sculpted since I was in high school, so I gave it a shot, then I figured out the molding and casting process, and BAM there it is. I made a total of 42 of them, 30 pink, 12 albino, So I think that edition is done. There are plans in the future for an East coast, a west coast and a dirty south figure.

#3) What is your most favorite piece of work that you have done up until now? Tell us why it is so close to you.
There is a piece I did recently that I called "Kobacha". My work is my way of sorting out my life in image form, sort of a visual therapy. The image might not make sense to anyone else, but people usually
inject their own meaning into the peice anyway, to make it profound for themselves. So back to Kobacha, it was a very theraputic piece that just happend to make a really nice image. I can't give away it's secrets though, maybe you can figure it out?

#4) We have read that you recently have lost up to 95lbs. Can you please give an inspirational statement to those wanting to get in better shape & feel good. Any favorite new recipes?
Oh yeah, that, ha ha. Well, there is no magic answer to getting in shape and becoming healthy, diet and exercise is the key. When I say DIET I don't mean I went on some orgainzed diet or plan, I just decided to change my entire way of eating for good. I cut out refined sugar, coffee, alcohol (not that I really drank in the first place) white flour, dairy, soda, MEAT you know all the good stuff. I replaced all that with a vegetarian diet with a lot of green stuff (viva la broccoli!)and soy products. But the key was the aerobic exercise in the form of jogging. I couldn't run 2 blocks when I started 10 months ago, but I went 6 miles a couple of days ago. Aside fromjust being thinner, I rarley get sick, I sleep like a champ and I can keep up with my 5 year old son. I just learned how to make Falafel, which isn't the healthiest, but man is it good.

#5) In your website portfolio, I saw Painting #2. I was drawn to this piece I am a big fan of Adidas shell toe sneakers as well as apes ? and albino apes are all the more better. If you could, please play the role of College Art History Professor & go through this painting pointing out the meaning behind the subject matter as well as the hidden symbolism.
It's not as deep as it looks really. When I was in high school, I would spend 2 hours a day at an advanced placement school for art. The other students at this school sort of cultivated my love for hip-hop music (Run DMC, Public enemy, etc). The kids back at my regular school would blaze GNR all day long and I hated that shit with a passion. So this peice is about just that, my dislike of GNR and my love of hip hop music. The peice is called "Public enemy #1" by the way, and there are plans to do a 3-d version of the gorilla with real hair this year.
#6) Can you tell us more about the 3D version of this Gorilla?
I'm making the sculpture for display at the San Diego comic con, I'll be at Toy Tokyo's booth with that and some other new stuff, including my book and plush. There aren't any plans to mass produce it yet, it'll be more of a showpiece. It'll be about 12" tall.
#7) Do you remember the 1st ?R? rated movie you saw & how old you were when you saw it? Did it affect you in a good or bad way?

Alien, I saw it when it first came out on VHS so I must have been like 6. It gave me nightmares until I was 13.
FFG DVD Review #1
"Through the Eyes of the DEAD, UNCUT"

Necrophagia's DVD is classic metal footage at it's best
- the imagery here is all it can be... and more!
This band is influenced by extreme horror and each song is seen as a short script which will be acted out by them if given the chance as seen in the first video that kicks off the DVD that stars the drummer which includes self mutilation, murder, deer carcas, life after death, zombie like violence, guns, knives, blood shed, love making, human skinning & dancing with the dead - it is insane...
If you are not familiar with the style of music, lead singer KILLJOY states: "When I started singing I just wanted to sound like the girl from the Exorcist" - so now ya know...
Violent Music / Violent Imagery - the pairing works here.
Every aspect is covered,
Huffing spray glue out of a brown paper bag at the cemetary? - YES! it is here...
Nuns slugging whiskey? - YES!
Satanic Demon orgies & sacrifices? - YES!!
Impressions of Burt Young? - OH YES! it is here...
Bonuses include:
Video for the Cannibal Holocaust song the band did
- classic movie footage intercut with Necrophagia in the studio recording this instant classic.
Also, the much talked about 'Manson Meditation Tape' - kind of self explantitory, includes pleasing seizure inducing flashes of Manson and other violent imagery.
The best is the "They Dwell Beneath" video, which feels as if it should be followed up by a full length film inspired by the short. Demons, baby down the well, cannibalism, black robes, anger, claymation, devil books & a cool Anton LaVey painting.
This DVD is put out by Season of Mist.

[Still from the film Cannibal Holocaust]
Hoo Haa Haa Haa Haa Haa Ha..... Hoo Haa Haa Haa Haa Haa Ha..... Hoo Haa Haa Haa Haa Haa Ha.....
"Through the Eyes of the DEAD, UNCUT"

Necrophagia's DVD is classic metal footage at it's best
- the imagery here is all it can be... and more!
This band is influenced by extreme horror and each song is seen as a short script which will be acted out by them if given the chance as seen in the first video that kicks off the DVD that stars the drummer which includes self mutilation, murder, deer carcas, life after death, zombie like violence, guns, knives, blood shed, love making, human skinning & dancing with the dead - it is insane...
If you are not familiar with the style of music, lead singer KILLJOY states: "When I started singing I just wanted to sound like the girl from the Exorcist" - so now ya know...
Violent Music / Violent Imagery - the pairing works here.
Every aspect is covered,
Huffing spray glue out of a brown paper bag at the cemetary? - YES! it is here...
Nuns slugging whiskey? - YES!
Satanic Demon orgies & sacrifices? - YES!!
Impressions of Burt Young? - OH YES! it is here...
Bonuses include:
Video for the Cannibal Holocaust song the band did
- classic movie footage intercut with Necrophagia in the studio recording this instant classic.
Also, the much talked about 'Manson Meditation Tape' - kind of self explantitory, includes pleasing seizure inducing flashes of Manson and other violent imagery.
The best is the "They Dwell Beneath" video, which feels as if it should be followed up by a full length film inspired by the short. Demons, baby down the well, cannibalism, black robes, anger, claymation, devil books & a cool Anton LaVey painting.
This DVD is put out by Season of Mist.

[Still from the film Cannibal Holocaust]
Hoo Haa Haa Haa Haa Haa Ha..... Hoo Haa Haa Haa Haa Haa Ha..... Hoo Haa Haa Haa Haa Haa Ha.....