#1) Are you a big fan of Horror movies? if so, which are your top 2 and why. If not, what is one of your favorite rap related films?
I'm not a big horror fan, but I've been collecting loads of"underground" Houston rap DVD's. Quality Stuff. They're basically homemade "documentaries" that anyone with access to a camera and some rappers can make. The most interesting ones I've found so far are:H-Town Underworld and Soldiers United for Cash which is a loose documentary on DJ Screw's life.

#2) We like heavy metal & death metal & other metal. What first drew you to the Norwegian Black Metal scene? Was it difficult to befriend & photograph these music bands? Did you become close to any of the bands/continue a non-work friendship?
I contacted most of the bands via email, but once I got to Norway, I got along very well with many of these guys. I talk to a few of them regularly still. Most of them have great senses of humor, and I had loads of laughs with them.

#3) What was the most fun time you had at a Black/Death metal show?
I saw Carpathian Forest and Gorgoroth in Krakow, Poland. They were filming for a DVD so they had a very elaborate stage show. 120 freshly decapitated sheep heads littered the stage. Four kids (2 boys, 2 girls) hooded and covered in cow's blood hung naked from crosses on stage. the smell was unbelievable. This caused a huge outcry in Poland, and the footage was confiscated by the Polish authorities, and may never be released. (I will attach some photos of this)

#4) Did the venue know they were going to do this? Was the show shut down? Were any members arrested?
The venue knew because I think gorgoroth's contract stated they would be provided with pig heads and the "models" No one was arrested because the authorities didn't find out until the next day and everyone was out of the country by then.

#5) after hearing your description of this show & seeing a few of your photographs - it makes me wonder what these guys are like off stage.. Do they veiw what they do strictly as theater? or do they live what they perform in a certain degree?
Some are more theatrical than others, but i'd say that most of them are pretty much for real.

#6) Did you meet any bands or individuals that truely frightened you by how far they took their art on & off the stage?
I got used to it pretty quickly. Sometimes when people took it overboard it was funny to me, but other times it worked.
#7) I heard from a friend that a toy figure was going to come out that was/is influenced by your Black Metal series. Is there truth in this? & if so, can you tell us about this project?
I'm not sure. The only thing I know about is a Darkthrone Kubrick figure my Japanese publishers made in conjunction with my exhibit/book release. I don't know if they are still for sale, but you can find out here:

(photo from:
#8) Your 'Houston' series blew everyone here away. So great. I know, like most magicians, folks don't like to give out secrets & techniques, but how do you do it? Are you friends w/Scarface? The photos give the feeling that they were taken by a member of the crew. Were you initiated into any gangs or anything before or during the shooting of this series? favorite of this series?

I did it exactly the same as I did the Norwegian pictures. I felt like more of an outsider in Houston than I did in Norway, even though that is where I grew up. I became pretty tight with Dope E from the Terrorists, and he put me in touch with loads of people. They could tell I was trying to portray them honestly, and some of them gave me all access. Also, once I brought back my work to show them, they trusted me more, especially since I'd photographed some of the well known rappers with guns and other illegal substances. After seeing that, I guess they felt more comfortable. Each trip I take there I'm getting in more and more intimate situations. For example, over Christmas, AC Chill, one of the original Houston rappers died of a heartattack, and his family asked me to photograh at his funeral. Those photos can't be on my site, but they'll be in the book that will eventually come out. Also, a few weeks ago I was invited over to one of their studios to photograph one of them getting their ass kicked for stealing records. It was pretty fucked up, but i got a few decent shots. I would consider a few of them friends, but most of them probably mistakingly think book i'll release someday will make them famous.

#9) Did you ever find yourself in a situation that you felt could get pretty ugly?
Dope E brought me to Ganksta Nip's house to see if he'd be interested in participating in my project. The first thing he asked was how much I was going to pay him, and when I told him about my non existent budget, he got really upset. We stood there in his front yard while he ranted about the Nation of Islam, disrespect, and how I better pay him. I was convinced I was going to get my ass kicked. He grabbed me by the shoulder really hard, stared me in the eye and told me to come back
when I have some money to give him. That's when I looked down and saw the pistol sticking out of his pants. Luckily, Dope E cooled him off a little bit and we left. One year later, I saw Nip again at AC Chill's funeral. This time he was much more civil towards me, probably because he saw how I interacted with the rest of his crew. That night I finally got an opportunity to photograph him. He posed by AC Chill's open coffin, and I photographed him saying goodbye to his friend. He says he's going to use that photograph on the cover of his next album. I haven't gotten permission from AC's mother to use the photograph, but I think I'll be allowed to print it in the book.
I found a strange/funny interview with Ganksta Nip:
Gangsta Nip
#10) Have you ever drank Syrup? We never have. If so, how was it & how did it make you feel?
Do different crews mix it differently? Is it still a popular drink?
i just took a tiny sip...not enough to do anything. it's unbelievably sweet, and you can taste it on your tongue for almost 24 hours. I think i'm going to drink it next time i go.
What records make you wanna jump outta your skin?
At the moment my faves are:
Z-RO - Look what you did to me
K-Rino - My Best of mix
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Sam Cooke - anything
Devin the Dude - anything
We found this
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